My top 10 Single leg drills
These partner drills build single-leg capacity and help even out the differences between your ‘good’ and ‘bad’ leg.
The Importance of Single-Leg Drills
Effective fighting relies on maintaining a strong base at all times. And as a striker that depends on kicking and kneeing, you are often only supported by one leg.
These exercises are designed to help you maintain balance and generate force in those critical moments of a fight or sparring session.
Your Free Workout
Each drill is there to help you progress in a particular area:
ABSORB: Learn to absorb impact with control.
BATTLE: Improve reactive strength and quick transitions.
PUSH/RESIST: Build push and pull power in the hip abductors and adductors.
POINT TO TARGET: Sharpen your active precision and agility.
BLINDFOLD: Enhance proprioception and spatial awareness.
QUICK JUMP: Increase balance and absorption.
FLICK KICKS: Develop slow controlled kicking motions.
HIP TURNS: Strengthen hip mobility and rotation.
MIRROR: Refine coordination by introducing uncertain directions.
PUPPETRY: Improve control over isolated leg movements.
Grab a friend and enjoy your workout.
Works well as a warm up or cool down for your regular sessions.