Elastic Spine
Single Goal Combat Mobility Program
Leanback lower— and return with speed and power
Also benefits: Clinching and striking
What’s included
Educational Material
Begin with an overview of your mobility objectives. Each objective is paired to targeted exercises. Video tutorials cover how to modify each exercise to your flexibility level and how to increase as you improve.
10 min Follow Along Workouts
All workouts last 10 minutes. And the videos are precise to the second. This makes sure you don’t waste time. There’s 3 types of workouts: Daily Morning Dynamic Mobility and a weekly Warm Up and Cool Down.
Training Schedule & Progress Tracker
Use the 6 week training plan to tick off sessions as you go. And measure all key ranges of motion with the Progress Tracker before and after your 6 weeks. This gives you metrics to see your progress.
Available in these packages:
Want to add 1-1 coaching?
If you want to go premium, have a look at the offerings on ‘Book A Consultation’
Strikers often find their ability to execute fast and elastic leanbacks to be limited by two key factors:
Firstly, the challenge may lie in thoracic mobility, or the capacity to arch the upper back. This could be due to weak muscles in the upper spine that fail to support the movement or tightness in the thoracic region that hinders the backward lean.
Secondly, the restriction might come from insufficient spinal rotational and lateral flexion. This is often because the muscles haven’t been trained sufficiently — and in full range of motion. As a result, the muscles responsible for rotation are not strong enough to perform the movement, and the obliques and spinal rotators are too tight, which limits the range of motion.
Primary Goals of the Leanback Program:
Strengthen the thoracic spine and rotational muscles for better arch and twist.
Increase flexibility in the thoracic spine, obliques, and spinal rotators for a deeper leanback.
Ultimately: The aim is to facilitate a leanback that is lower, faster and more fluid, enhancing defensive capabilities and power when returning to strike.
To achieve these goals we use dynamic stretches that warm up the body and static active stretches that improves strength and flexibility simultaneously.
All reinforced by static passive stretches for deep tissue release. These are spread across two sessions: the warm-up and the cool-down.
Your Weekly Warm-Up
This 10-minute session focuses on dynamic stretches and static-active strengthening exercises that improve flexibility in the thoracic and rotational movements critical for a leanback. The routine ensures your upper body is agile and ready for the demands of your regular training.
Warm-Up Goal: After 6 weeks, you will be able to achieve a deeper and more controlled leanback without a warm-up, matching the flexibility you display when fully warmed up.
Your Weekly Cool Down
Spanning 10 minutes, the cool-down concentrates on static active and passive stretches. These exercises are most effective when performed post-training, as they require the muscles to be fully warm for optimal release and flexibility gains.
Cool Down Goal: Over 6 weeks of consistent practice, the cool-down exercises will have facilitated changes in the soft tissues, enhanced your maximum range of motion, added elastic power to the whole posterior chain, ultimately leading to an improved and more effortless leanback, as well as clinch- and punch efficiency.